Having your bank information stored onto your account will save you time for when you need to make a payment. You can conveniently have more than one bank account and even a card saved. When you are adding a bank account during the setup process, our unique system will help ensure that all of your banking information is saved properly and securely. Under your account settings, you will be able to add and manage your payment methods at any time.
Here's how to Add a New Bank Account through your account settings:
1. From your Dashboard, click on Settings
2. Click on Payment Method
3. Click on Add New Bank Account
4. Click Auto Link Bank Account
5. Select your Bank from the list provided
- Enter your bank’s User ID and password to log in
- Select Continue
Note: If you do not have an online Bank ID or if your bank is not listed, you may click on add a bank account manually. By doing so, you will be required to enter in your bank’s routing number and account number.
6. Select Apply when you're done
Another available option is to add a card. GreekBill accepts all major credit cards and debit cards for a fast check out.
Here's how to add a new card:
1. During your Payment Method selection screen, click on Add a New Card
2. Enter in your card and billing information in the fields provided
4. Click Apply you're all finished!
Your newly created payment method instantly be reflected under your Settings > Payment Method, which you can access to manage, modify, and delete your at any time. Please click here to learn how to do so.
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