To simplify the process of checking out, you can always modify your payment methods that has been saved to your account. We understand that you may have received a new credit card, or your checking or savings account has been changed. There are two ways to modify your payment methods; through your account settings and during checkout while you're submitting a payment. At any time, you can modify your payment methods through your account settings to keep your payment methods updated.
Here's how to modify an existing Payment Method through your account settings:
Note: You can only modify saved Card payment methods. To update a Bank Account, you will need to delete it first, then create a new one. You can learn how to add a new Bank Account by clicking here.
1. From your Dashboard, click on Settings
2. Click on Payment Method
3. Select a payment method from your list, and click Modify
Note: To delete a payment method, select a payment method from your list, and click on Delete, then Confirm.
4. Enter in your updated card information in the fields provided
5. Click Apply when you're done
All saved payment methods will be displayed during the checkout process when you're submitting a payment. If you do not see your payment methods, please make sure that they are saved properly when you're adding them. If you are continuing to encounter issues, please contact GreekBill Support for assistance.
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